Moutains Hotels Market is great in 2018

Mountains Hotels

An almost historic snow and a favorable school calendar boosted the figures announced for this winter season (+3 points). Figures weighted by the decline in international customer numbers and the cold wave, which impacted the high altitude restaurants and terraces.

© Savoie Mont Blanc Tourism
The exceptional snow attracted tourists this year.

Despite a Siberian cold wave and strong avalanche risks that disrupted winter sports activity, the winter season 2017-2018 is announced on the rise, according to a survey conducted for Auvergne Rhône Alpes Tourism by Novamétrie). However, Roger Machet, president of the Umih 73-74naked these results. Although good snow conditions have increased the number of visitors to low and medium altitude ski resorts, which were heavily impacted by the lack of snow in previous years, high altitude resorts are reporting declining numbers. Attendance rates have not exceeded 90% and this, with stays shorter and shorter, sometimes two or three nights only.

Another parameter, the bad weather had a negative impact for the restaurants of altitude and those with terrace. Attendance was able to show – 20% compared to the previous year. “When snowfall is general, the distribution of customers shows a decline in the occupancy rate for each establishment, confirming a steady decrease in the attractiveness of winter sports.There are only 6% of French who go to winter sports, it is imperative that a major effort be made towards foreign customers “added Roger Machet.

The spring of skiing

This disaffection is also found in the figures of the Novamétrie survey. Many reasons are invoked, including the attractive prices posted by European stations and a loss of purchasing power of English customers (lowering the price of the pound sterling). For its part, the observatory Savoie Mont Blanc Tourism also announces a rise of three points of commercial accommodation, and indicators to green for the end of the season.

“The favorable outlook for March is likely to benefit mountain recreation, and the growing appeal of customers for the ski spring is largely boosted by near-historic snow levels,” said Vincent Rolland and Nicolas Rubin, co-presidents Savoie Mont-Blanc Tourism. “Forecasts are still difficult because reservations are now being made at the last minute,” says Umih president 73-74.